Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thank You Debbie

Lindy and Felicity
Perfect timing! Cousin Debbie sent a box of adorable American Girl clothes to the girls and they arrived on Christmas Eve. Footed jammies and Christmas dresses for all three girls. That kept them busy brushing hair and getting their dolls ready for bed and Santa. They made presents and wrapped them and put them under the loft tree which was declared the tree for the dolls! Then on Christmas morning they got all their "girls" dressed in their Christmas dresses for the days festivities.
Thank you so much Debbie! Lindy was greatly relieved when they opened their gifts and saw that Santa brought a couple of more friends that they would have enough jammies for them all. And they LOVE the dresses!

Paige with Kit and Samantha.


Jennifer James said...

Emma would have been in heaven with those outfits! How cute!!!

Gretchen said...

Debbie, the outfits are awesome!! The best was that I stuck around after Christmas dinner to help clean up, etc. The American Girls have their own room!! It was so cute to watch Lindy, Paige and Erin put all of the girls to bed! They use the dressers like bunk beds, it was such a trip to see!