and all through the house the children were wild and could never fall asleep! Our reading of The Night Before Christmas took place before our tree snuggling up to Daddy. Bill also read his favorite book, The Littlest Angel. After stories we let the kids watch a little bit of TV to help get them ready for bed. Well, that worked for Erin who fell asleep at 10:30 all nestled in her warm bed. Paige and Lindy laid in bed and it was midnight before Lindy dosed off and Paige it was 1:30! Ethan finally crashed at 2:00. I don't know how Santa knew when to stop by especially considering that Lindy said she came downstairs to check and see if Santa had been here at 4am. He must have arrived around 3, when everyone was asleep! He must have been very tired the next day!
Scenes from the tree ~
I have been holding off on the kids exchanging gifts until Erin was old enough and everyone could really put thought into their purchases. The limit was set at $20 and names were drawn. Ethan and Kyle insisted on using their own money to buy their gifts which I thought was very sweet since we offered to give them exchange money. But this is why I wanted to wait, so that it would be meaningful to everyone and the givers really took it seriously. Erin got Lindy a baby doll with bath supplies. She took great care in wrapping and making her tag. Christmas morning the kids all wanted to open their gifts from each other before their Santa gifts.
The tree from Erin's view.
Too sweet... Can't wait to see more pics!
Miss you guys,
More pictures, more pictures, more pictures, and a wonderful story to go with them all! That all makes a "great uncle" very happy! Smiles, all the way from California to Ohio!
Wow! Your kids were up late!...and early it sounds like! That's one of my favorite excited the kids get. It's really just precious :)
All of the decorations look so very pretty! My favorite new one is the candy wreath.
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