Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Really am Grateful

My favorite picture-
Grandma with Kyle June 2000
The last 7 days have been a bit of a roller coaster here.

My grandma died last week. I know that she is in a better place but as a friend from church said - it does not matter how old you are or how old your grandma is, you have lost a very important person in your life. How true! I have received many cards of sympathy this past week which mean so much. One in particular really speaks the truth of how I feel.

" A grandmother is the warmth you'll always remember, the caring you'll always treasure..the memories that will live in your heart forever." (Thank you Laura!)

There have been many times this past week when I have had little heart tugs. Addressing my Christmas cards and getting to her address in my book, getting our annual calendar ready to send out to family except for her, and finishing up our advent calender.

I am so very grateful that I had such a wonderful grandma, who has given me lifelong memories that I will never forget and pass to my children.

Grandma with Kyle and Ethan June 2000

I am so grateful for our health, even though my sweet Paige had a horrible stomach bug that left her miserable for days. We are so lucky to have children with no medical problems.

I am so grateful for our home, even though my hot water tank broke and leaked water all over the floor last night, threatening the new carpet in the basement. We were lucky to get someone here today to replace it. We have a warm home with hot water!

I am grateful for all of my family, even though some are far away. This blog allows them to feel a part of our life. I love that they all love my children so much.
I am so grateful that in the midst of everything this week, we had fun and memorable moments for the holiday season.
Lindy and Erin arrange flowers for
the Christmas table.

Even though we have had grief, sickness, and frustration this week, I still feel like the luckiest person. I just have to look around my house and see happy smiling faces and hearing their chatter to know this!


Jennifer James said...

Those pictures are so sweet! You are so lucky to have so many priceless memories! We will be thinking about you and your family this Christmas!

Gretchen said...

This Post popped up with Erin's tooth story..... I love those pictures of Grandma with the boys so very sweet....