Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Christmas Eve filled with Traditions

Merry Christmas from the Millers

My documenting Christmas is running behind as I thought we had rid the flu bug but it returned the day after Christmas! Needless to say I have spent much of my time comforting Ethan and Lindy, the latest victims and doing laundry. Hopefully we are on the road to recovery today! Anyway....

The kids enjoy Christmas Eve as much as Christmas and when you ask them why, it has to do with our family traditions. They love having family over and spending time with Mimi and Grommy. They already had Grandpa visit earlier so the day was very social and to them it is one big party.

The Girls, Paige, Erin, and Lindy

The boys Kyle and Ethan

Erin with her big brothers!


Erin practicing all of her ballet positions!

Grommy with all of her beloved grandchildren

and Mimi with hers!

Our evening starts with going to church to see the living nativity. This is everyones favorite activity. It brings to life the real meaning of Christmas and even though our children seem to remember why we are celebrating, this just helps reinforce. Our church members do such an excellent job recreating the birth of Jesus. Each year is a little different and the excitement builds as we walk up to the church where we are greeted by sheep, shepards and a warm fire. The sanctuary is transformed into Bethlehem and a manger. We end the evening with candlelight and singing Silent Night. It is such a beautiful evening.
We head home and have different fondues for dinner. My parents used to make fondue every Christmas Eve and Bill and I adopted this adding a pizza fondue for the kids and chocolate and fruit for dessert. Since we would not be seeing Mimi on Christmas Day the kids opened presents with her after dinner. They got so many cute outfits and jammies - thank you Mimi!

Mimi loves her calender! This is our
8th annual edition and the best gift we
can give, filled with a collection of pictures
from throughout the year.
Kyle got The Everything World War II book -
we are always looking for some new facts for him
to learn, a never ending challenge!

Oh girly clothes night!

Paige and Lindy love Christmas Eve fondue!

Erin loved her new clothes from Mimi!
This outfit is her favorite and she calls
it her "Miley outfit" as she is pretty sure
she looks just like Miley Cyrus!
We read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, sprinkle the reindeer food in the yard, and head to bed. No problem with girls falling asleep but the boys really struggle!

I am sure we look crazy running around in
jammies throwing oats and glitter all over the yard!
But how else will Santa see where to land the sleigh?

I love how beautiful and cozy the house looks and how genuinely happy the kids are to celebrate Jesus' birthday.
Kyle (12)

Ethan (9 1/2)

Lindy (7)
Paige (7)

Erin (3)

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Goodnight!

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