Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Brownie Girls and the Wanna Be

Erin wearing her "Brownie" shirt that conveniently
has a little brown vest attached!

Erin so wants to be a Brownie. She can't wait! We were off to go out and sell Girl Scout cookies
this weekend and she was so excited to have an outfit that had a brown vest! She proudly showed it to a lady down the street and explained that the buttons were her "badges".
We have a very scientific system to our door to door selling. We line up at the end of the driveway in order of jobs. Erin is the official doorbell ringer, Paige is the seller, Lindy is the backup girl. Lindy has the most important job of all! When Erin rings the doorbell if a dog starts barking, Paige takes off and runs down to the sidewalk, Lindy then quickly moves into place to sell cookies when the door is opened. We start all over again at the next house. It is probably hilarious to watch but this is the second year we have done it this way and it works for us. We sell lots of cookies, Paige has no encounters with dogs, Erin gets to help (she also really likes to try out people's porch furniture!) and Lindy goes with the flow and with her eye on the prize (this year she wants a stuffed animal).

Happy selling girls! I am proud of all
of your hard work.

1 comment:

Jennifer James said...

I love that picture of the three girls! Lindy and Paige are so sweet to Erin!