Kyle and Chapter President Mr. Richard Wheeler
Mr. Wheeler and his wife have been so gracious and
helpful to getting us registered and becoming a part
of the group.
Kyle and I attended the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge (
VBOB) meeting on Wednesday. The guest speaker was a Colonel from the National Guard who spoke about his
experience joining the Guard and being a part of the Guard going on 30 years. He spoke of his experience in
Afghanistan 2 years ago and the support the guard gives to the active military. It was very interesting to hear how much support is needed to keep things running smoothly.
Kyle presented his home schooling project to the group. He is working on making a book for the Chapter containing all of the members and
their history. Bill and I worked with him to
compile questions which he handed out to everyone. He was very organized and had practiced at home getting tips on public speaking from his Dad who is a pro in this department! They made
note cards and
rehearsed and I am proud to say he did a fantastic job! He explained what he was working on and what information he needed. He passed out his questions and gave his contact information. He has set a goal for completing the project by June. He wants to included as many people as possible including his great grandfather.
Many of the members came up to him after the meeting and told them they had stories to share. Some thanked him for doing the project. He was elated when we left, "that was so fun mom", he told me when we were leaving.
Frank Walsh was being interviewed by another man who collects and compiles stories of veterans. We were able to sit with them and hear stories and look at pictures of Frank and his platoon. I gave Frank Kyle's paper where we wrote up the story that Frank shared at the last meeting. It will be "graded" for accuracy! Frank had some treats for Kyle a cool tank patch, a copy of a prayer by General Patton and an address by Patton to his troops.

One of the main parts of the meeting was a discussion
regarding the group writing
their own Chapter bylaws. What a great thing for Kyle to read and learn about. He received a copy that we can read and go over with him which will help him learn the
fundamentals of how organizations operate locally and nationally.
I amazes me each time we go what an incredible experience this is for him. And he truly appreciates it. He soaks everything up like a sponge and enjoys all of it. We are so
grateful for the welcome we have received and the opportunity to be a part of such a special group.

Kyle and Frank Walsh. Frank shared stories and

Frank has an incredible memory and is able to remember
details. He knows the name of everyone in his pictures down
to the spelling of their names.

I apologize for not knowing this gentlemans name
but he shared information with Kyle and they talked
about pictures.

Some of Frank's pictures, he was a handsome
guy! Still is!