Sunday, October 31, 2010


Ethan with four less teeth trying to get comfortable. It took awhile but finally after a big dose of Motrin, a pillow, and dual ice packs for each cheek we were successful in getting the pain to subside. Getting teeth extracted is not a picnic but he was a trooper! The diet was the only positive experience! Who doesn't like pudding for breakfast for 2 days!


Laura said...

Poor Ethan! I hope he's feeling better.

Rob M. said...

Why get 4 yanked at one time? How about each side, so it only takes 2 visits?

I could go for the pudding!


Whitney said...

And the day before trick-or-treat no less! If Ethan is looking for someone to unload his Snickers on, he knows who to call!

Gretchen said...

Ethan I hope you up and running around in no time at all! That Aunt Whit!