Monday, May 30, 2011

Dancing Queen

 Lindy is the dancing queen of the family. She just wrapped up her second year on the competition dance team and she loves every minute! Being able to dance all the time and have a good group of dance friends has been an awesome experience for her.
Tap, jazz, and lyrical were all of her classes this year and they received High Gold awards at both the competitions they went to. Next year she is looking at doing a solo and a duet and adding a couple more classes. She is sad that dance will be over for 3 whole weeks! Being on competition they dance through the summer, she just doesn't want to have a 3 week break. She has definitely found her passion.
Her recital was so fun for her since she had performed these dances twice already. She could relax and have fun! Great job Lindy, you are truly a beautiful dancer. I can't wait to see all the things you do next year!

 THE LIFT - The girls worked for months on this. Since I usually drop Lindy off and leave there were times I came back and was told how she was dropped etc. Never hurt, always laughing about it, loving every minute. As hard as it can be to always be the smallest everywhere there have to be some perks somewhere and being lifted across the stage is one of them!

The finale is perfomed by both the Junior and Junior'ette comp. teams. Lindy loves being a part of a dance with her older dance friends. Comp teams with Miss Brittney below.

 Teams with Miss Sandy, Lindy and Miss Sandy below. Miss Sandy has been Lindy's dance teacher for 6 years.

 Lindy and Lexi her Big Sis.
Lindy and Miss Brittney

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

THe costumes were so very pretty and you did a great job on the lift!!