Today is National Donut Day, the 1st Friday of every June. During WWI donuts were given to soldiers to help boost morale. The Salvation Army began this "holiday" and it continues to be a fund raising day for this organization. I didn't make it to one of the places giving away free donuts for donations but thought my kids would get a kick out of having a treat for breakfast and learning a tidbit of history along the way!
Erin was not complaining!
FYI . . . according to Oriental Trading's calendar June 7th is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day and June 22nd is National Chocolate Eclair Day. YUMMY, I love chocolate, I can't wait to see what's in store for July. LOL Angie
It's a good thing I'M not there -- I don't NEED Donuts, but those 2 boxes would be nice to have! Yummy donuts, yummy full of sugar. Hi Dr. Dentist! Dunkin' Donuts (creamed filled!) are great. We don't have them out here in Calif., as far as I know!
Uncle Bobby
I love donuts and I had no idea there was such neat history behind what will be one of my favorite days!! I love cream filled with chocolate icing!!!
(Gretchen could eat donuts all week, and not gain an ounce. UB can eat ONE donut, and gain a lb. or 2!).
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