Saturday, March 31, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

Band aid usage sharply increases right when the weather starts getting warm. I don't know if this is a national trend but it is in our household, every year. Erin totally wiped out running down the neighbors driveway. It was one of those things you watch in slow motion and there is no way you are going to make it there before they get hurt. At least I saw it and could scoop her up and get her home to first aid! She still had a smile after we got her cleaned up and all those band aids on!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wait for Me!

Erin is so excited for the ice cream truck. Every day she is listening for the music coming down the street. She has her change all ready on the hall table so she can dash and run. It cracks everyone up. Her fascination with $1 Popsicles is extremely cute. I had to follow her out the door the other day to watch her flag him down!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Getting Sassy

Lindy & Helen

Lindy and Helen have been friends on the competition team for the last 3 years. They both have a goofy sense of humor and love to hang out with each other. I love their dance team because these girls are so supportive of each other. It has been an awesome experience for them to develop these friendships while becoming great dancers and performers.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Paige and Lindy ~ Time of Wonder

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Stitch in Time

Thank goodness Lindy has her basic sewing skills. Being a dancer also means being able to make some adjustments and whip out that needle and thread. That's not something I am very good at doing but I'm learning! Until then Lindy is helping me out and Erin was very grateful!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tap Girls

Erin and Megan are besties! They love to hang out at co-op and when Erin found out Megan would be in her tap class this year she was thrilled. Just an extra bonus to the week to have your co-op BFF be in dance too! They have had such a great time together dancing and hanging out while their mom's chat when class lets out. Their song this year is If Your Happy and You Know It which suits them just perfectly. They always have smiles on their faces!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Another Story...

Kyle continues to work on gathering stories from veterans. Every person we talk to has just an amazing story of their life. Times were really hard for these WWII vets before they even left for war. So many grew up during the depression and had such hard childhoods.
The veteran we talked to last week was so kind and had so much to share. I love how they just take Kyle right in and share everything with him. This veteran and his wife have been married  almost 70 years! And they love to be together. I don't think they spend any time apart and it is very sweet. They were so kind to Kyle and he left with a memento, an eagle statue from their collection that we will be using at his Eagle Court of Honor in the future.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy Together

Marinne and Erin ~ So Happy Together! 

Erin and her friend Marinne have been together in dance for the last two years. This year they are on the Tiny Tots competition line and they are very excited to be part of the competition team with all of the older girls. Dance season is in full swing and they are having so much fun!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Don't Worry Be Happy

Paige and Grace ~ Tap Don't Worry Be Happy!

It's been a great year in tap for Paige. She has been able to share the class with one of her best friends and she loves the pace of tap. Fast dance is definitely her favorite!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blinging it Up

Lindy's solo costume has required some serious blinging. She had a blank canvas and her dance teacher told her she could do whatever she wanted but to add plenty of sparkle. After about 150 rhinestones later I think she will shine!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dance Week

Erin and her "big sis" Gabbi.
Sunday the girls and I went with their dance team to lunch and a show. A close by dance studio does a benefit for breast cancer. It was such a great afternoon and the girls really got to relax and watch others dance. Usually they are running around behind the scenes, changing, fixing hair, practicing, and fighting nerves. Sunday they got to sit back and watch routines and check out costumes. I had a great time spending the day with my girls. It was the perfect way to start the week of dance craziness, pictures and extra practices.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Cookie Booth

The girls had an awesome cookie booth drive thru last weekend. The weather was incredible, warm, sunny, and no rain! They sold 200 boxes  and had a great time! Our cookie sale has been a huge success this year, with well over 2000 boxes sold. Final count is still being tabulated but I think the girls will be very pleased!

Lindy being Lindy!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Summer in Spring

Oh, the beautiful weather! The kids are out and the puppies want to follow!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Picture of the Day

I just LOVE this picture of Ethan and Ollie. It's pretty much what a little of every day with the puppies looks like!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Cookie Walk About

The Girl Scouts participated in the Cookie Walk about last weekend. Girl Scouts is promoting things from the past and getting together as a group and selling cookies from our wagons is much like girls did years ago.
The juniors were ambitious in what they wanted to do.Having won 3rd place last year in the contest based on the pictures we sent it, they wanted to win again. We pulled most of it together. We were short about 40 balloons, but since they wanted 100 I think we did pretty good! They had posters, face paint, tattoos, streamers, and tons of enthusiasm! Best of all they had a great time together!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

School Girl

Erin is loving have freedom to set up her schedule this year. She is in first grade and pretty proud of her level of responsibility. She really loves her little planner too! Checking things off the list is the best!