Sunday, July 10, 2011

Father's Day

A belated Father's Day post to the best husband and father ever! There is no one I would rather spend my days with than my sweet husband. He makes everything for our family possible with all of his hard work and dedication.
I am so grateful to be able to stay home and homeschool the kids and he makes sure that can happen. He spoils all of us so much with his time and energy. His sense of humor and big heart and his dedication to our family is so appreciated. I look at Kyle and Ethan and what wonderful young men they are becoming and know it is from his influence and love for them.
We are off later to have a family day at the park, Bill's favorite thing to do. Thank you for being the best daddy ever!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

A great pic of Bill and the kids PLUS now I love the added pics that include Q & O!!