Monday, September 14, 2009

The Arizona Memorial

We went to the Arizona Memorial last Thursday before flying to the Big Island. We got up early and went to get our tickets so that we could be on the first tour of the day. The program starts with a 30 minute film that was very good. Kyle even said it had some things in it he had not seen before. That is hard to find!

After the film you board a boat that takes you out to the Memorial. It is silent out of respect for the ones who lost their lives. As we got closer you could smell the fuel still leaking from the ship. Parts of the ship are visible from the surface. Others you can see underwater in places through out the Memorial.

I'm not sure if Kyle had enough time to look around or not. He probably could have stayed all morning. We were not able to go to the Missouri but we could see it from the Arizona. We did have time to go to the Bowfin Submarine and made sure that he had plenty of time in all of the gift shops.

Visible parts of the Arizona.

The Missouri

Another ship in the bay, not sure of the name.

Kyle with the Missouri in the background.

The museum had models of the memorial and how it was constructed over the ship.

Kyle had the opportunity to meet the daughter of one of the Pearl Harbor Survivors, Rodney T. West. He wrote a book that we bought and his daughter was there signing.

Kyle with Dr. West's daughter, Jo-Anne West Lewis.

Then we headed over to the Bowfin Submarine.

Quarters were very tight.

He was one happy boy!

Torpedo launching area

Paige on a lookout.

More museum pictures.


Laura said...

All that history. What an adventure!

Gretchen said...

K-man I am so glad that you were able to see such a fascinating piece of history. The family will never forget it!